Who bullies on INTTUC (Indian National Trinamool Trade Union Congress) & exploits their power and position to cause suffering to their men and their innocent families. Plus the historic article of academy may not be safe.
A huge candle march protest rally was held on 28thDec’17 to save
Kolkata’s pride Academy of Fine Arts from closing & to protect this
heritage assets. From this rally unanimous voice was raised for
immediate intervention of our Hon CM Mamata Banerjee to resolve the
https://mamatimanushofwb.blogspot.in/2017/12/a-huge-candle-march-protest-rally-was.html )
In Historic Academy of Fine Arts – Kolkata CPI(M) & BJP unions joined hand and supporting dictatorship of some Trustees who are allegedly destroying the historic Academy.

Now in short we are briefing our viewers about the History present disastrous
condition of Academy of Fine Arts.
The Academy of
Fine Arts was established on 15th August 1933 and registered as a
Society on 11th September 1946 under the Societies Registration
The Management
of the Academy is vested in Executive Committee, though the present EC was
elected on 31st May 2015 vide AGM 2014-15 post which no AGM 2016 was
held and audit FY 2015-16 & 2016-17 not yet done.
Important to note that the Board of Trustees has the authority of
funds & property of the Academy but members of the last Board of Trustees
resigned on 12th July 2014 & present Board of trustees formed
but no GM of ordinary members to appoint new Board of Trustees was held thus
creating an environment of mistrust with the present Board.
Irregularities & protest:
As a result the INTTUC Members were compelled to come to the
streets to protest & demonstrate their anger against the illegal activities
of the Management most importantly the non payment of salaries of 3 employees
since Dec 2016.
The trustees are not authorised to tender
any financial expenses as per their wish in spite of this they have incurred
expenses electrical goods costing to Rs. 16 lakhs for Exhibition Gallery from
Philips India in Feb 2015.
Mr. Kallol Bose
Joint Sec arranged “Art & Heritage Foundation” with all Exhibition
Galleries for organising CIMA Award Show for 4o days (24th Jan to 04
March 2017) for non commercial rates incurring loss of Rs.15lacs.
Board of Trustees headed by Sri Prasun Mukherjee being aided by Sri Kallol Bose
Jt Sec of Executive Committee favours a section of the employees owing
allegiance to CITTU & BJP as a result exploiting the other section of
INTTUC. Moreover the services of two trainees & 2 contract labours were
regularised on 18th June 2016 & salaries revised only to boost the
moral of those unions & demoralising the INTTUC members.
keep the accounts in the hands of the Trustees, they compelled the Executive
Committee to appoint an Accounts Officer in May 2015 from their known sources.
Surprisingly, the existing accountant was illegally show caused by Trustee
along with Jt Secy Mr. Kallol Bose and subsequently suspended in Feb 2016. A
domestic enquiry was also conducted. But, he was not proved guilty. However,
the Trustees and the Joint Secretary denied the fact and still deprived him of
his salary.
A resolution was taken in a Executive
Committee meeting dated 09th Dec 2016 through valid quorum of 6
members headed by other Joint Secretary, Sri Sudip Banerjee, and accordingly,
the service of Mr. Subhasish Ghosh, Administrative Officer was regularised who
joined the Academy on 01st Oct 2012 for a probation period of 1 year
and whose confirmation of service was pending since 01st Oct 2013;
illegitimate suspension order on Mr. Gautam Sinha, Accountant was withdrawn and
Sri Mange Balmiki was appointed as Trainee, Security Guard. The Board of
Trustees denied the resolution of quorum and still not released their actual
The Jt. Secretary Sri Sudip Banerjee informed
to the office of Joint Labour Commissioner about the resolutions pertaining to
employees on 14th Dec 16. The INTTUC union also approached to the
office of Joint Labour Commissioner. But unfortunately, their grievances remain
unresolved in JLC office because to avoid an order from the office of JLC in
favour of the employees, the Board of Trustees filed a Title Suit NO. 621 OF
2017 on 02nd June 2017 against the aforesaid three employees and
four members of EC who formed the quorum before the Learned City Civil Court at
It was plead to Honourable
court for an injunction restraining those three employees and four members of
quorum from use of Academy premises. The Trustees meet the legal expenses from
the corpus of Academy. But, the victim
employees are paying from their pocket to defend the case in court which aggravates their misery further.
The Trustees bullies on INTTUC union and exploits their
power and position to cause suffering to their men and their innocent families.
In these circumstances, we earnestly urge our honourable Chief Minister to
intervene into the matter to protect our members who are long associated with
our party and also to save the Academy from its extinction in the hand of
self-centred Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee.
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Thanks & Vande Mataram!!
Saroop Chattopadhyay.