Edited and revised on 26/3/11:
Row over Alimuddin St (CPIM’s HQ) visit by tainted absconding murderer leader later arrested after TMC’s complain to EC.
Row over Alimuddin St (CPIM’s HQ) visit by tainted absconding murderer leader later arrested after TMC’s complain to EC.
On 12th Mar’ 11 Mr Majid Ali alias Majid Master, a party leader from North 24 Parganas, reportedly “absconding” in a number of non-bailable warrants related to political violence in the district, visited the CPI-M state headquarters. Mr Ali visited the CPI-M's
Allimuddin Street office yesterday when chief minister Mr Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee was reportedly present.
On 27 October 2009, Nur Ali Molla, a Trinamul Congress leader from Sashan in North 24-Parganas, was murdered by some miscreants allegedly backed by the CPI-M.
After the incident, the victims’ brother lodged an FIR against 18 persons, including Majid Master, and the police booked the CPI-M leader under IPC's Sections 147/148/149/302 and Sections 25/27 of the Arms Act. However, till date the police could not arrest Majid Master as, in their record, he is shown as “absconding”.
After the incident, the victims’ brother lodged an FIR against 18 persons, including Majid Master, and the police booked the CPI-M leader under IPC's Sections 147/148/149/302 and Sections 25/27 of the Arms Act. However, till date the police could not arrest Majid Master as, in their record, he is shown as “absconding”.
Please Also see: Wanted CPI-M leader met Buddhadeb, but not arrested: Link: http://www.sify.com/news/wanted-cpi-m-leader-met-buddhadeb-but-not-arrested-trinamool-news-national-ldmxOcgfbhg.html
After Trinamool’s complain EC seeks report from WB Home Dept on 'Majid Master' visit
Link : http://www.zeenews.com/news692935.html
There after CPI(M) leader 'Majid Master' arrested by police as they are bound to!!
Press Trust Of India, Barasat (WB), March 16, 2011
CPI(M) leader of North 24 Parganas district Majid Ali, against whom many criminal cases are pending, was arrested on Tuesday 15th Mar’11.
Majid Ali, alias Majid Master, is a CPI(M) 'strongman' of Sasan area of North 24 Parganas district.
On Saturday last, the Election Commission had sought a report from the West Bengal Home Department about the alleged visit by 'Majid Master' to the CPI(M) headquarters in Kolkata to meet Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee after Trinamool Congress had lodged a complaint.
Link: http://www.hindustantimes.com/CPI-M-leader-Majid-Master-arrested-by-police/Article1-673970.aspx
Edit on 17/3/11.
Now latest news is as per instruction of CM state police is giving lighter charges against Majid..
They even not asked for PC and allow Majid for JC, and state administration also providing all luxury arrangements to this murderer CPIM leader!!
Shame on you Buddha and CPIM!!
ApNetai killings: 4 more in CBI net
Press Trust Of India, Posted on Mar 14, 2011 at 05:33pm IST
Link: http://ibnlive.in.com/news/netai-killings-4-more-in-cbi-net/145914-3.html
Press Trust Of India, Posted on Mar 14, 2011 at 05:33pm IST
Link: http://ibnlive.in.com/news/netai-killings-4-more-in-cbi-net/145914-3.html
In another incident in West Midnapore one of CPIM’s top leader Mr. Deepak Karan was arrested for rape case; that too after EC’s intervention!!
If you see my earlier posts in this blog you will see lots of similar posts are there which exposed true character of CPIM… so please see old blogs also!!
Who lost family members in Netai masacare!!
Viewers comments::
My Remarks: CPIM doesn't respect any religion whether it Hindu or Muslim or any others.. they respect religion only for vote and at the time of vote!! 
- Our freedom fighter dedicated their life for only two sentence “ JAI HIND” and “ VANDE MATARAM” .. Shame .... Shame... Shame .... in one part of India the ruling party simply ignore this. They say “ Say no to Jai Hind. What an Independence ???????
More pathetic things is Indian communists does not respect our tri colour and National anthem or National Song (Please see my earlier posts in this regards).. Indian communists sees China's interest more than our national interest. They also have a good link with Nepali Maoists and Yechuri is the main mentor of Nepali maoists who are pro Chinese and AntiIndian!!
Also all Maoists (Nepal & India) gets arms & moneytory support from China and CPM also gets arms from them.. Plz note it was clear after Netai masacare that Harmads are using Chinese arms!!
After independence communists told "Eh Ajadi Jutha Hay".. They humiliated Netaji a lot.. Now saying that was a mistake!!
I have written all those with proves and links in my earlier posts please see my older posts also!!
So this is the time to throw these anti Indian anti relegion fake comrades away from Bengal... and I am sure this time Bengal's public will throw them away!!
Another comment by Chandrajit:

Chandrajit said...
Maa Mati Manusher Gaaner Link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSwLkpfmbeo
Chandrajit said...
Nastiest political strategy of CPM : Dirty politicians of CPM once again proved their dirtiness by putting up a case of 1994. They have complained in front of chief Election commission S.Y Quraishi about an arrest warrant against Mamata Banerjee..
It is ridiculous ... Buddhodeb Bhattachrya was the police minister since that time,... no one ( Not even Didi) is aware of the case. ....their actual plan was :
But people of West Bengal are intelligent enough to understand this worst politics.
I am proud to be Indian but shame to be West Bengal’s resident --- Because CPM party is ruling here for more than 33 years. They don't pay respect to our Faiths and believes, religion, tradition. A minister went to Tara Pith was forced to deny it. Since thousands of years Hindus are considering Tarapith as a holy place. How dare you CPM to insult our traditional holy temple. They have never paid any respect to our great men. We have almost forgotten the ideology of Swami Vivakananda.
ReplyDeleteOur Hindu tradition after death of someone ( Shradhha) has replaced by " Smaran Sabha". How dare you CPM to touch (Insult) my religion. How dare you replace our tradition....
The supporters of CPM should understand one who doesn’t respect himself, can't expect respect from others. Respect our religion, our country, our freedom fighters ... Those Who got encouragement from " Bhagabat Gita" and Strength from " Swami Ji" and " Rabindranath". Respect our Indian legends first then “ Kal Marks”.
Our freedom fighter dedicated their life for only two sentence “ JAI HIND” and “ VANDE MATARAM” .. Shame .... Shame... Shame .... in one part of India the ruling party simply ignore this. They say “ Say no to Jai Hind.
What an Independence ???????
Maa Mati Manush ar Gaan
Nastiest political strategy of CPM : Dirty politicians of CPM once again proved their dirtiness by putting up a case of 1994. They have complained in front of chief Election commission S.Y Quraishi about an arrest warrant against Mamata Banerjee.
ReplyDeleteIt is ridiculous ... Buddhodeb Bhattachrya was the police minister at that time, he has been working as CM of West Bengal for more than ten years. Three assembly election and four Lok Sabha election have taken place in West Bengal after 1994. Most important thing is no one ( Not even Didi) is aware of the case.
I think Budha Babu, Biman Babu and all other party leaders have chosen their job ( Writing short story) for next five years. They are worried of Didi’s plan and program what she has announced in recent press conference. Their source of income ( Dadagiri, Defalcation, party tax) will stop shortly. What an Idea of time pass as well as good Income SIR JI.......
But Jokes apart ... their actual plan was
1. CPM icon “Majid Mastar” was caught while TMC complained, but Election commission will not be able to catch “Mamta Didi” (People of EC are not mad). So CPM wanted to prove EC is not neutral.
2. CPM is trying to prove how noble they are as they have not taken any action yet, against their opposition.
3. If by any chance EC will be force to arrest Mamta Didi, it’s going to be a “Mini Riot” in W.B, and the total responsibility will go against TMC leader’s good image.
4. Break the sit alliance between TMC and Cong,
But people of West Bengal are intelligent enough to understand this worst politics.
In Didi’s word “ GONOTONTRA MANUSH E SRESTHA BICHAROK, MANUSH E SHESH KOTHA BOLBE “ ( Common people are the best judge in democracy, they will take the ultimate decision.)
Check also ....
‘‘ভিডিওকনের পর এবার অ্যাস্টনফিল্ড। ঘরে ঘরে গ্রিডের মাধ্যমে সৌর বিদ্যুৎ পৌঁছে দিতে অ্যাস্টনফিল্ড রিনিউয়েবল রিসোর্স-ও রাজ্য বিদ্যুৎ বণ্টন সংস্থার সঙ্গে পাকা চুক্তি করছে। আগামী সোমবার সেই চুক্তি বা পি পি এ (পাওয়ার পারচেজ এগ্রিমেন্ট) স্বাক্ষর করবে সংস্থা। জ্বালানির সঙ্কট মেটানো ও দূষণ হ্রাসের লক্ষ্যে অপ্রচলিত শক্তি থেকে বাণিজ্যিকভাবে বিদ্যুৎ উৎপাদনের উদ্যোগ চলছে পশ্চিমবঙ্গে। রাজ্য বিদ্যুৎ নিয়ন্ত্রণ কমিশনের নির্দেশ, ২০১২-এর মধ্যে রাজ্যের বিদ্যুৎ সরবরাহের ১০% হতে হবে বিকল্প বিদ্যুৎ। সম্প্রতি ভিডিওকন, অ্যাস্টনফিল্ড ও মুকেশ আম্বানির রিলায়্যান্সসহ কিছু সংস্থা ২২ মেগাওয়াট সৌর বিদ্যুৎ উৎপাদনের জন্য প্রায় ৪৫০ কোটি টাকা লগ্নির প্রস্তাব দেয়। সৌর বিদ্যুৎ বিক্রিতে প্রথম পাকা চুক্তি করে ভিডিওকন। পু্রুলিয়ার রঘুনাথপুরে ২৫০ কোটি টাকায় ১০ মেগাওয়াটের প্রকল্প গড়ছে তারা। আর অ্যাস্টনফিল্ড ১০০ কোটি টাকায় পাঁচ মেগাওয়াটের প্রকল্প গড়ছে বাঁকুড়ার হরিয়াগারা মৌজায়। এ বছরেই শুরু হবে কাজ। ২০০৯-এর শেষে হবে বাণিজ্যিক উৎপাদন। হরিয়ানা, উত্তর প্রদেশ, গুজরাত, বিহার ও রাজস্থানেও এ ক্ষেত্রে সংস্থা লগ্নি করবে, জানান অন্যতম কর্তা সৌরভ সেন। তবে আদতে চন্দননগরের বাসিন্দা সৌরভবাবুর লগ্নি-তালিকায় প্রথম থেকেই শীর্ষে এ রাজ্য।’’ (সূত্র :আনন্দবাজার, ১৫-১১-২০০৮)।
মাত্র ১৫ মেগাবাট (১০ মেগাবাট + ৫ মেগাবাট) বিদ্যুত প্রকল্প করে কিভাবে রাজের ১০ পার্সেন্ট বিদ্যুত সরবরাহ করবে এই রেনেবাব্লে প্রকল্প দুটো, তাও ২০১২ এর মধ্যে, আমি থিন্ক বুঝতে পারলাম না. যেখানে রাজের এখন বিদুয়্ত উদপাদন ১৬০০০ মেগাবাট এর কাচ্চাকাচি. এর ১০ পার্সেন্ট হলো ১৬০০ মেগাবাট. এটাও কি বক্রেশ্বর এর মত বাংলাবাসী কে টুপি পড়ানোর একটা প্রচেষ্টা?
EXCLUSIVE GOUTOM DEV : As per the announcement in a meeting of Goutam Dev, if eighth Left front Govt will form ( He is sure it must form) they will provide Rice, Dal and Mustard oil in very chip price for them who’s earning is less than 10K per month. Nobody is questing how? the government is already bankrupt, so this is an announcement to attract the people and to turn the voters mind. Now the question is
ReplyDelete1. What were you doing for last 34 years ?
2. We can compare parliament as high court, where honourable speaker as Judge and all other MPs are law years. They are continuously doing criticism against the rail budget announced by Honourable rail minister Mamta Banerjee in front of speaker and strong oppositions. They have doubt about the implementation of Rail project ( they are sure that the projects will never be implemented )which is being announced and passed (approved) in Parliament ( where most important decisions regarding India are taken) , BUT how could they imagine the people will believe an announcement of election campaign ????
Parliament is the ultimate place, where the representative of public tries to establish their point. The MPs of CPM could not establish their point in the right place in front of the right people ( who are politicians by profession, and has the answer for their question). Now they are trying to confuse common people making it as vote issue.
Be aware of tout.