Sunday, April 3, 2016

Existence of Godhead: facets of Ancient Indian Wisdom to Neo-Hinduism.. From the influence of India’s Ancient Wisdom the Hindu Philosophy on William Wordsworth & other Great poet-writers/philosophers to Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda and Tolerance in Hinduism..

God is the Supra-mental Consciousness immanent in all beings sentinel and every facet of creation..
He "is a motion and a Spirit that impels all thinking things, all objects of all thoughts and rolls through all things.." The pulsating palpitating words of the great mystic of a poet, William Wordsworth, who has so innately and intrinsically summed up Godhead. The presence Of Omnipotent Omnipresent Omniscient All Merciful All Compassionate Being..

He is the Eternal Charioteer the Purana Purusha the Purana Prakiti..
He exists in Tue microcosm of microcosm and in the macrocosm of the Macrocosm..
The Infinite Effulgence the Infinite Dimension and the Infinite Consciousness..
He permeates millions of universe..
He subsists in the Nature and in all that is best and greatest and good in the human race, which He says emphatically in The Song Celestial The Gita..
He is the Truth Consciousness Wisdom and Bliss Absolute
The Sat Chit Ananda who is in all throbbing forms of entity..
In true sense Hindu philosophy refers to a group of darśanas (philosophies, world views, teachings) that emerged in ancient India. The mainstream Hindu philosophy includes six systems (ṣaḍdarśana) – Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa and Vedanta.
"....And I have felt a Presence that disturbs me with the joy of elevated thoughts of a sense sublime,  whose  dwelling in the light of the.... Sun
He is in the blue ocean in the mind of Man..
A motion and a Spirit that impels all thinking things all objects of all thoughts and rolls through all things.. "
William Wordsworth 's lines in the Tintern Abbey have reflection of the Oriental..
The influence of our Ancient Wisdom the Hindu Philosophy,  the Vedas,  the Upanishads The Gita the Smritis,  all compound in these vibrant glorious lines..
Here is only a simple instance of how oriental thoughts influence the occidental thinking..
The lines of Shelley Keats William Blake Shakespeare all bear these inimitable stamps of Glory which is immanent in Ancient Indian Wisdom that descended on all facets of religious thoughts..

Swami Vivekananda was the center figure of Neo-Hinduism philosophy, the term ‘Neo-Hinduism’ has been used to describe the worldviews of various Hindu thinkers associated with the Hindu or Indian Renaissance and the organizations they created. It thus refers to a distinct expression of Hinduism that co-exists with other forms of contemporary Hinduism.

Swami Vivekananda was a Hindu monk from India. He played significant role in the growing Indian nationalism of the 19th and 20th century, reinterpreting and harmonizing certain aspects of Hinduism. His teachings and philosophy applied this reinterpretation to various aspects of education, faith, character building as well as social issues pertaining to India, and was also instrumental in introducing Yoga to the west.
Swami Vivekananda was the leader who gave a new meaning to the Hindu philosophy of tolerance. The ideology of the “Sangh Parivar” is rooted in religious hatred and Swamiji stood for social harmony and inter-faith dialogue. There can be no meeting point between these two. Yet, the Hindu fundamentalists trace their lineage to the 'Neo-Hindu' movement of which Vivekananda was the central figure. None of his observations on Hinduism, unless taken out of context, seems to give credence to the proposition that he had a communal outlook.

Vivekananda was a renowned thinker in his own right. One of his most important contributions was to demonstrate how Advaitin thinking is not merely philosophically far-reaching, but how it also has social, even political, consequences. One important lesson he claimed to receive from Ramakrishna was that "Jiva is Shiva " (each individual is divinity itself). 
This became his Mantra, and he coined the concept of daridra narayana seva - the service of God in and through (poor) human beings. 
If there truly is the unity of Brahman underlying all phenomena, then on what basis do we regard ourselves as better or worse, or even as better-off or worse-off, than others? - This was the question he posed to himself. Ultimately, he concluded that these distinctions fade into nothingness in the light of the oneness that the devotee experiences in Moksha. What arises then is compassion for those "individuals" who remain unaware of this oneness and a determination to help them.

Swami Vivekananda explained that the Vedanta philosophy was not Brahmanic or Buddhist, Christian or Muslim, but the sum total of all these. 

In his historic address to the Parliament of Religions in Chicago on September 11, 1893, Swami Vivekananda clarified:
The Christian is not to become a Hindu or a Buddhist, or a Hindu or a Buddhist to become a Christian. But each must assimilate the spirit of the others and yet preserve his individuality and grow according to his own law of growth.

A unique characteristic of Hindu set of religions (includes Buddism, Jainism etc) is that its philosophers start the analysis from a more concrete and most logical question of "who am I" than to start with the postulations on an abstract God at the start. When you invent something, you probably need to have defined the abstract result first and work towards that. But when it is a discovery, it should be following the known information one gets to know the unknown things beyond and finally comes the great discovery.  Hinduism does not invent God but it discovers. It neither stops at the human boundary confused and failing to go forward, but gets to the divine aspects supported by facts. This makes their findings more logical and realistic and even the super human descriptions experienceable if not explainable. 

These and many more specialties of Hinduism make it a harmonious and worth religion, which is suitable for any time in present or future, for any land or creed.
Hari Om..
Om Namah Shivaya..
Shree Krishnam Sharanam Namah.

This is an well thought article jointly written by Sri Bhaskar Sen (eminent philosopher cum a successful Businessman) & Mr. Saroop Chattopadhyay (of Maa Mati Manush Blog).

 Readers are requested to see also:

Swami Vivekananda was an Avtar in all sense, here is a short evaluation of Swami Vivekananda truly an Avtar, Saint, Philosopher.
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Thanks & Vande Mataram!! Saroop Chattopadhyay.

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