Fact is criminals and rapists have
no religion & law should be same for all, also more you want to suppress
the truth about crime the more it will hit you back.**
That’s exactly where present Trinamool
Congress (TMC) government is doing mistake as a result in spite of being one of
the most peaceful & safe state for all, Bengal is now projected as a communal
tension-full state by opposition parties and by Leftist plus Saffronic media.
Let me accept frankly from Park Street
to Jamuria (via Kamduni) few incidents of rape cases are really some rare black
spot on Mamata Banerjee headed TMC ruled West Bengal and majority of accused in these incidents are Muslims.
Above all West Bengal Police and West
Bengal Government initially did some mistake by not taking strict action and by
trying to suppressing the facts.
Although these are very rare and stray incident compare to almost 5years
rule of TMC Govt in West Bengal which is having more than 9cr population (8% of
total India’s population) but it has put bad image of West Bengal more due to
Leftist & Saffronic #Presstitute media projected it with lots of exhortation
and adding lots of spices in it. Above all few loose statements from some
political leaders added more Color in to these incidents.
Let me also admit apart from these
rape cases unfortunately some very low intentional communal tension cases had
also happened in West Bengal, under Mamata Banerjee’s last 5years peaceful
ruling in West Bengal.

Here very important fact is compare to national scenario these are very nominal during this period and in West Bengal no one has died in communal clashes during Mamata Banerjee’s tenure so far.
But due to two reasons (**) which I already mentioned, these incidents are projected in a much bigger way.
For example Malda (Kaliachak)
communal clash, there were hardly 12000 to 14000 Muslim protesters but media
showed it as 2.5Lc angry & violent mob.
Apart from some stone throwing
incident no violent incidents of communal clashes happened are but Saffronic
media reported that lots of houses and temples are vandalised. Not a single
person died but some media reported even deaths. Please note firing police
station & BSF vehicles is not a communal violence it’s a protest against
In Malda (Kaliachak) riot main problem was West Bengal
Government and Police wanted to hide this incident totally which became
Same thing is happening in Jamuria
(Asansole) today; where one rape & murder case is getting Color due to callas
administration as they tried to stop Local MP Union Minister Babul Supriyo from
visiting the place by sitting section 144. Firstly police refused to register
missing diary of a Hindu girl who was allegedly abducted & raped by some
Muslim boys thereafter they’re doing this act which is bringing total media
attention to Jamuria unnecessarily.
As I told that criminals have
no religion/cast & more you suppress the fact more it will become boomerang
for you; this is exactly what happened with TMC.
Hope Trinamool Congress
will realize and correct these aspects as early as possible.
Foot Note: I knew it that my TMC friend & my BJP friend both will be disappointed with my this article but as I told in top & cleared in twitter (@KOLLEO) that for me #IndiaFirst & truth are the priority.
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Thanks & Vande Mataram!! Saroop Chattopadhyay.
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