Also let me share that apart from celebrity person’s blog or any company/institution’s Blog this “Ma Mati Manush” is now India’s no.1 common man’s Blog page.
I have checked lots of communist leader’s & there sympathizer’s Blogs but all those are around 6000 to 8000 or below this mark, in spite of being much much older blog.

It shows his greatness and politeness along with his effectiveness by which “TMC” emerged as a winner. Thank you once again Derek Sir!!

Also thanks to Mr.Abhishek Banerjee for his support also.
Now let me convey my thanks to some well wishers of mine and special thanks to Mr. Chandrajit Bhattacharya, Mr. Santanu Gupta, Joydip Choudhury, Debasish Bhattachaya & lots of my other well wishers… Also thanks to my little assistant my daughter Shweta & my silent supporter my wife Rajasi who in spite of from a hard core communist family always stand beside me.
Now let me allow writing few words in Bengali:
মা মাটি মানুষের আশির্বাদে আমার এই ব্লগ 40,000 দর্শক পার করলো.. সবাইকে ধন্যবাদ!!
যদিও এখানে আমি সিপিএম এর আসল চরিত্র উন্মোচন করছি আর এই ব্লগ জনপ্রিয় হয়ে উঠছে তাই অনেক হার্মাদ ও কিছু তরমুজ আমার পেছনে পরেছেন..
তারা আমাকে নানান ভাবে Threat করছেন, গালাগালি করছেন, হেয় করার চেষ্টা করছেন.. কিন্তু তারা যতই করুন আমাকে সত্যি কথা বলা থেকে আর আমার শ্রদ্ধেয় দিদির হয়ে বলার থেকে নিবারণ করতে পারবেন না !!
তারা আমাকে মেরে ফেলতে পারেন.. কিন্তু আমি থামবো না!!

But I continue with my war against corrupted, atrocity master, killer and anti Indian Communists (CPIM). They even threatened me that they will kill me.. They can do that even now also..
Now with the victory of Trinamool now I am very much satisfied that this small effort by me is not wastage..
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Saroop Chattopadhyay. (Ma Mati Manusher loraier ek sadharon soinik)
Maa Mati Manush, its not just a slogan or a rhetoric, its a belief, an aspiration, a sacred hymn and a battle cry all rolled into one. When the chips were down , the state burning and spiralling away towards an endless fall, a ray of hope flickered in form of Ms Mamata Banerjee. The agents of evil tried with all their might through nefarious acts including an attempted murder to snuff away hope from our hearts. But the ray slowly but steadily grew with time and the fountain of light brought thousand reasons to smile and a silent tear of happiness. We are indebted to the person who made this possible single handedly.The so called "suave" lumpens are out to ridicule her using every dirty trick in the book ( well very communist like; remember Atulya babu, Netaji, etc)but they have to do it over our corpses. Now when we understand the true meaning of freedom, let each of us stand guard to the citadel of freedom, peace and benevolence which Ms Mamata Banerjee has so painstakingly created over the last quarter of a century. We pledge to confront all demons , the external ones and the ones within to keep the flag of our country and the torch of our state's success aloft. Didi, you sacrificed your entire life for us, we can not dare of thinking to repay you but we will stand firmly by you, in good times and most definitely in bad times. We have not seen God, but we know now that he has is ways of ensuring that truth and justice prevails. Regards,