Tuesday, January 5, 2021

HUMAN FORM : WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT ❓❓ (As per Hindu Philosophy)

We take BIRTH to take #pain & #suffering. Every body that is formed on earth, that is,every birth is meant to deal with 4 principles of material existence - birth, death, disease and old age. It is therefore confirmed that a soul when takes up a shape in the form of body is here to bear pain and suffering. Out of it, it is our duty to search for happiness in the little things we have or is given by the Lord. It remains our responsibility to create happy moments and to understand what is really important to us, what is our goal in life, why we r here, what should be our priority and what we should avoid.

WE, HUMANS are infected with 4 defects as said in the Bhagavad Gita 📙 by Sri Krishna ~
1) we r sure to commit mistakes
2) we are invariably illusioned,i.e, we r in grip of maya
3) we humans have the tendency to cheat others
4) we are limited by imperfect senses,i.e, our senses do not work properly in the right direction, it many a times misguides us

Hence to make our Human Life perfect, happier and much peaceful we must get rid of certain elements/habits/addictions/thinking to achieve happiness that is eternal, that is much satisfying and removes all disappointment regarding material life,its desires, its fulfilment.

To know how to make our life more satisfying, Bhagwan Sri Krishna has given us certain principles in the GITA pertaining to everyday life, which is very useful in today's world. Hence, study the Gita to attain a more peaceful meaningful life and to go back to Godhead, to the Spiritual Sky, GOLOKA VRINDAVAN and never to take birth in this world to suffer pain and injustice once again.


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 Thanks & Jai Hind!! Saroop Chattopadhyay.

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